Image Bergères guerrières T.04 L'abîme
Image Bergères guerrières T.02 La menace
Image La science de la nutrition : tout comprendre tout simplement
Image Substance mort
Image Gustave Caillebotte : peindre les hommes
Image Tarsila do Amaral : peindre le Brésil moderne
Image Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun : Paintings & Drawings
Image Rubens : his life and work in 500 images : an illustrated exploration of the artist, his life and context, with a gallery of 300 paintings and drawings
Image Writing rhetorically: fostering responsive thinkers and communicators
Image Play nice : the rise, fall, and future of blizzard entertainment
Image Fostering habits of mind in today's students : a new approach to developmental education
Image Teaching for retention : strategies to ignite student success in higher education
Image Artificial intelligence applications in higher education : theories, ethics, and case studies for universities
Image Promoting equitable classroom practices in higher education : approaches beyond curriculum
Image Designing learning for multimodal literacy : teaching viewing and representing
Image Instructional design
Image Instructional design for organizational justice : a guide to equitable learning, training, and performance in professional education and workforce settings
Image Instructional design on a shoestring
Image Transforming higher education with human-centred design
Image Ten steps for complex learning : a systematic approach to four-component instructional design
Image Creating design knowledge in educational innovation : theory, methods and practice
Image True inclusion with UDL : designing to the edges to reach every learner
Image Instructional design unleashed : unlocking professional learning potential with UX, Agile and AI methods
Image Advanced instructional design techniques : theories and strategies for complex learning
Image Making college courses flexible : supporting student success across multiple learning modalities
Image Horizons of the future : science fiction, utopian imagination, and the politics of education
Image Belonging in higher education : perspectives and lessons from diverse faculty
Image SoTL research methodologies : a guide to conceptualizing and conducting the scholarship of teaching and learning
Image Mentoring within and beyond academia : achieving the SDGs
Image Critical acting pedagogy : intersectional approaches
Image Generative AI in writing education : policy and pedagogical implications
Image Generative AI in the english composition classroom : practical and adaptable strategies
Image Internationalization of the doctoral experience : models, opportunities and outcomes
Image Interdisciplinary practices in higher education : teaching, learning and collaborating across borders
Image Inclusive leadership in higher education : international perspectives and approaches
Image Career journeys of diverse leaders in higher education : climbing the rough side of the mountain
Image Essentials of the new science of learning : the power of learning in harmony with your brain
Image Dictionnaire du chilleur
Image High-impact design for online courses : blueprinting quality digital learning in eight practical steps
Image Raviver les braises du vivant : un front commun : essai

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